Sunday, November 2, 2014

No Longer a Baby

My dear baby boy turns twelve today! Although no longer a baby, we are continually in awe of the boy we are so privileged to call our own.

 He is the master at answering at every question with the single word, "Good." He is the boy who detests technology but spends every waking moment logged on to yahoo checking his fantasy football points. He is the twelve year old that insists vacations are spent as far removed from other people as possible. He is the quick-witted tween that few are lucky enough to laugh with. He is the man-child that can eat his weight in ice cream. He is the sports analyst who can rattle off just about any statistic you would every want to know about football. He is the intellectual that can argue and debate even the most mundane of topics. He is the athletic one that loves to hit in football and loves to stop a scoring play in soccer.
And today he is the proud owner of his very first gun.
(I'm not holding it against him at all that he opened his gun this morning and immediately thanked Wes - even though it was my idea. Nope, not holding it against him at all.)


We wish you the very best birthday yet, Evan! We are so excited to see where this year takes you and the person you will become. We love you to the moon and back!

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