Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bro Night

The boys' mojo is back! This weekend our U10 boys played 8v8 in a U11 bracket in Kentucky and came home as finalists!

We told them all before the final game that we were so happy with their impressive performance and making it to the championship game while playing up that we didn't care if they won or lost. I think they took us all a bit too seriously, though. Don't they know that's only a figure of speech? They played half asleep and had two own-goals. Final score was 0 to 3. 

Keagan drove up Friday night with Wes for a "bro night." They had White Castle burgers for dinner and went swimming in the hotel pool. Keagan couldn't wait to tell me on Saturday night how the bro night was almost ruined when Wes suggested that they snuggle in bed and watch TV. He said, "Snuggling when we have two big beds on a bro night? I don't think so!" 

However, when I asked Wes about it, he said Keagan was the one who wanted to snuggle, and Wes was the one who said, "Snuggling when we have two big beds on a bro night? I don't think so!"

Who to believe? I think we can all be thankful Keagan plays soccer better than he can tell a story! This weekend's five games, bitterly cold temps, and a long drive means we are all ready for our own beds! 

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