Saturday, September 27, 2014

Game Day - We Like to Lose by One Point

 Today I finally got to watch my big guy play a game of middle school football. I'm sad to say that we did not win; it's tough to win when the center can't snap the ball, though. I have never wanted to play football before, but today I wanted to run onto that field and snap the ball myself. There are only so many high snaps and dropped balls a girl can take. I hit my limit today.

By the way, I see this picture and find it terribly hard to believe that my boy is only 11 and already taller than I am.

In the fourth quarter, things were looking a bit better. We got a new QB and the hand-offs were a bit smoother. It was too little too late, though. Evan had a 21 yard run with three minutes left in the game.

In the next possession, he ran the ball on the outside, cut back into the inside, and scored!

I'm so glad I got to see it!

The final score: 19 to 20. We get another try at it next weekend, but before Saturday rolls around again, I think I'm going to try my hand at recruiting. I know a team in need of a center!

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