Sunday, September 14, 2014

God is a Cowboys Fan and so Are We

For almost nine months, today's date has been marked on our calendar: the Cowboys vs. the Titans at LP Field. Evan is a huge Cowboys fan and was so excited that they would be playing so close to home. We were determined to be there so we could cheer on the 'Boys. 

Then life happened. Wes got TDY orders. Keagan had a soccer game scheduled. Ticket prices were sky high, and I began to think it just wasn't meant to be for us.

Then this week a friend at work told me she had two tickets to today's game and asked if I wanted them. That's when I knew the rumor was true: God is a Cowboys fan after all. I immediately said yes, cut the check, and told Wes the good news. 

I was relieved to see the 'Boys pull out the win, and my boys couldn't have had more fun at a game. We will relish the feeling of victory because it might not happen again for a very long while. 

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