Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Mama Voice is No More

Spring time can only mean one thing. Spring soccer. It is truly one of the best things in life. Warm weather would make my weekends a true Utopia, but it seems Old Man Weather doesn't quite understand the significance of sun and temperatures above fifty degrees - not here anyway.

Keagan played up this weekend and guest-played with Evan's team. Nothing makes me prouder than seeing my baby boy playing with the big guys, but when he scored the second goal of the game, I just about peed my pants. It was that exciting! I mean a nine year old scoring on eleven year olds, who wouldn't get excited about that! My mama voice tells me he is destined for BIG things, even if those viral Facebook articles say that the chances are one in 5.6 million. Perhaps I should also mention Keagan has admitted that he will turn his back on ML soccer when the NBA comes a callin', but what does he know? He is destined to make it BIG, my mama voice says so!

Did I mention Keagan scored the second goal? We won that game 2-1.

Evan, true to form, left the game with a yellow card. Oh, how I love my Big Brute!

He can play defense like none other, and he will purposely foul at times to save a goal. He has been known to throw a shoulder or trip a guy running with all of his might to the ball, and I always shout, "It's okay, Big Guy. You had to do it." Today, though, the fouls were a result of little guy running into Big Brute and little guy falling down. We call that physics and fifteen year old refs must not be exposed to that course of study any more because they seldom get it right. After the second foul, the ref raised a yellow card, and Evan gave her the thumbs up sign. Classic, Evan! Meanwhile, I was busy yelling my disapproval and permanently scarred by larynx.

Why, oh why, must I wait so long for next weekend's games? I think it is so I have plenty of time to prep the mama voice for another round of celebrations!

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