Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Parachutes and Guitars

The boys are required to complete a STEM challenge each quarter. The third quarter challenge is the most popular, though, because each class chooses a winning team to advance to a school-wide challenge. Keagan and his team constructed a musical instrument that could make low and high pitch sounds.

With a Kleenex box, rubber bands, and a toilet paper roll they created a guitar - complete with zebra stripes and fluorescent green tape.

Keagan's team completed the interview process quite well, but they were not deemed the school wide winners.

Evan's class was tasked with creating a parachute that would allow a Dixie cup fall to the ground right side up. Evan's team won the class level challenge and also advanced to the school wide event.

The boys refused to take a picture with the girl in the group, but when I casually mentioned that she step out of the shadows and into the picture, she looked at me with fright in her eyes. I guess she was as opposed to the idea as the boys were.

Evan dominated the interview process, but I think the "team" effort was lost when no one else could answer the questions about the chosen design. His team didn't win the school challenge either.

So we left the school for soccer practice. We can win all kinds of challenges on the soccer fields.

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