Monday, May 27, 2013


My parents spent the long holiday weekend with us. They had to see one last soccer tournament, eat some fried shrimp, and convert my boys. You see, my dad has a passion for baseball. The boys do not. However, for the past five days I have found Evan in the backyard wearing my old softball glove playing catch with my dad.

Converted? I think another immersion is required for full effect, but after a full weekend of sorting toys, purging closets, and some tough yard work, my parents may think twice about visiting us again. Even if baseball is included.


  1. How many times did Daddy say, "Catch the ball with two hands."?

  2. Not sure, but I think he said "don't turn your glove upside down when you catch the ball" at least a half a dozen times. I should be grateful for this because if it had been me, he would have let the ball hit me and allow me to turn black and blue from the bruising.
