Thursday, May 23, 2013

Big Win #2

Big win #2 took place today. Evan came home with all kinds of certificates, awards, dog tags, and ribbons. Evan won the Language Arts Award, and after two years of winning the Reading award, it was nice to see him win something different. He also won the AR contest, the big Kahuna of all of the awards because money is awarded.

I was proud of all of his academic wins and accomplishments, but when the girl to the right won first place (Evan won second place after winning first place two years in a row), Evan put his certificate to the side so that he could clap for her. I have never been prouder watching him clap for this first place winner.

The boy is smart, athletic, and a good sport. I am so very lucky to be his mama.

Big wins meant big money so after school we headed straight for the store. I survived the battle of  Toy Aisle Indecisiveness, but I knew what lay before me and chose my shoes wisely. The flip flops and I decided a car full of toys and games would make for a smooth transition to the barbershop, the only place Evan hates more than the dentist office.

Well played, Mama. Well played.

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