Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fun in the Sun...But First The County Clerk

It's the first day of spring break, and we spent the day renewing passports, getting our taxes done, and getting haircuts. While my friends were posting pics of their spring break trips on the beach in Hawaii and ziplining through a tropical rainforest, I was living it up at the County Clerk's office.  The boys thought it was a day of complete and utter torture so much so that tears were shed at my lack of concern with spring break fun. The guilt they placed on me was so strong I took them to Wal-Mart, my version of complete and utter torture, to spend their money on new Skylanders. Then all was right with the world.

I returned home to laundry, on-line tests, and a dirty floor, but I had spent so much energy trying to figure out which beach destination I would spend our tax refund that I decided a nap was in order. I call that priorities. 

Soon enough I was back to my crazy, spring break fun and the boys and I did this. It took about 26 shots to get all three faces in the frame. 

One son was far less thrilled with the fun. Today I have promised no dates with the tax guy and no silly masks. 

1 comment:

  1. Keagan, I love the extra bunny ears!
    Evan, What a good sport you are!!
    Kacey, I promise to add googly masks to the wooden flutes and other "no-buy list" items for the future. Still it's pretty cute!
