Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This is Practice For When I Make It Big

A few months ago, Keagan entered a community photo contest. Tonight the Chamber of Commerce hosted a holiday reception to honor the participants.

Keagan was not thrilled about attending because I made him wear his corduroys and church shoes. However, I tried to explain that the event would be special because it was hosted by the mayor as a way to say thank you to him and to honor his participation in the contest.

When Wes and he arrived, Keagan was immediately drawn to the snack table and found the chicken wings, the jalapenos, and the assortment of cheese cubes "fancy." His photos were showcased on the big screen, and the combo of food and recognition made him feel like he was on the red carpet.

He was recognized at the event and had his picture taken with the mayor.

And because she is such a good sport, we also had this one taken.

As Keagan left the reception, he told Wes, "Thanks for being my escort tonight, Dad. This is good practice for the day when I make it big and get drafted and have to walk on the stage to get my NFL jersey."

I wonder if he knows that on that day he will be expected to wear church shoes AND a suit.


  1. Congratulations, Keagan! I have no doubt that he will make it big - so big that he can wear whatever he wants :)

  2. Congratulations Keagan..Grandaddy and I are proud of you. I hope I am around when you get that NFL jersey..I'll eve wear my Sunday shoes..:) love you..Nonnie
