Thursday, December 6, 2012

St. Nicholas Day

I don't know any German boys who wake up on St.Nicholas day to find Addidas outfits or Harry Potter wands in their dad's combat boots. I think they probably find things like nuts, sticks, and oranges; I can't even imagine what would happen if I left a container of Planters mixed nuts for my boys. Probably a mini-coup. After Evan's fit last year when he did not find what he wanted in the boot, I was super proud to have the perfect gift this year. The wands have been hiding in my closet for months. Would you know Keagan was the one upset this year? All because he didn't have a set of football trading cards? Really? It just so happens that a friend of Wes's cleaned out his closet this weekend and found a Troy Aikman football card. Wes, assuming this would totally appease Keagan, brought it home today to show the boys. Keagan took one look, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Yeah? Well, what's so special about it?"

St. Nicholas might just retire from visiting the Toole house next year. Either that, or I'm sticking to the more traditional gift of nuts and dried fruit.

By the way, the Harry Potter wands might be a BIG clue to this year's Christmas trip.

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