Wednesday, October 31, 2012

SpookTacular Halloween

Clearly I did not partake in this year's costume purchases. What happened to wearing super heroes and zoo animals?

Keagan as Haunted Scarecrow

Evan as the Troll
A woman stopped Evan on the sidewalk and asked, "What you is? A troll on meth?"

Point taken.

Boys Try to Scare Mom

We were down to the wire, though, when Evan told us Sunday at 2030 that he wanted to go trick or treating this year. Of course there was nothing in our costume bin that would come close to fitting the Man Child so I did the next best thing. I sent Wes to Wal Mart on a mission, and I told him to do whatever it took to secure the very last XL costume he could find. I warned him to be ready to battle. However, there was little I could say to prepare him for the reality of a trip to Wal Mart two days before a holiday.
He will find a way to pay me back.

I'm hoping his night of trick-or-treating with these two guys will help him forget all about his shopping experience.

We hope your Halloween was filled with tricks and treats and lots of spooks!

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