Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Little Competition is Healthy, Right?

I think my older son has a psychomotor overexcitability, and if he really doesn't, then I am going to claim it's true anyway. The first person who will hear my excuse is the Sunday school teacher because on Sunday my boys were kicked out of Sunday school for being too competitive. I told the teacher of the week that playing racing games wasn't a good idea. I told her she might want to stick to something a little more traditional, like I don't know, maybe the Bible. But no one listened to me. Instead, she had to create some fun running game that caused both my boys, but especially my older son, to run like the wind and then throw taunts in the direction of the preschool girls as he lapped them for the third time. Because this behavior is not Christ like, my boys were sent to the corner to pray and ponder their behaviors.

What in the world would that gentle soul have done if she had seen me on the sidelines of Saturday's soccer games? She probably wouldn't have appreciated that yell to Keagan that went something like, "Push him back, Keagan!" and Get on him, Baby!" She probably would have required I light some prayer candles when Evan headed the corner kick into the goal for a point and I yelled so loudly I went dizzy.

Light your candles and pray all you want. I am the one who gets to experience a tiny slice of heaven every Saturday while sitting on the sidelines of the soccer field. The psychomotor overexcitability is just the fluff in the clouds of heaven.


  1. A header?!! Seriously?!

  2. Yes,a header. It was amazing! Only a few people could truly appreciate that, but I'm glad you do, Mom!

  3. Kicked out of Sunday school - I LOVE it!
