Monday, June 4, 2012

Pickin' Berries in the Perfect Storm

We began our day with an hour's drive to a public garden to pick blackberries. I am the only one that will eat them, but we still came home with three baskets full, or approximately 7.63 pounds of berries. I made one cobbler and still had 6.5 pounds left. What to do with the extras? I have no idea, but I have a freezer full of berries and more importantly, we had a family bonding moment that included "heavy basket contests" and enough thorn jabs to constitute minor surgery in the middle of berry field #1A.

Meanwhile, a wicked storm was brewing back home, and we returned to our cul-de-sac just as a tornado warning was announced. We spent the next half hour crouched in my closet with over-sized pillows, with Keagan's prayers for safety, and Evan's constant, "Sshhh!!! Keagan! I hear the train sound. We're doomed."

On the other side of the world, Wes prepped himself for another kind of storm - a sand storm. This get-up, I think, scares me more than the tornado warning.

I have no idea what adventures await us tomorrow. I hope we stay clear of berries and bad weather, though. I have had my fill of both today.

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