Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fan Letter

Some people might go so far as to call us The boys play soccer every once in a while. You might have read about it here on the blog a time or two. soccer fans. Yesterday, Keagan wrote a letter to Rooney, as in Wayne Rooney the Manchester United forward. He asked the biggest soccer star in England to come to his house to teach him his tricks. Evan laughed at the idea, and in the late evening hours, Keagan came to me with big crocodile tears asking me if I thought Rooney would come. I didn't have the heart to say no. Last night, I overheard him praying and asking God to send Rooney to small town Georgia.

I was hoping he would wake up this morning and forget all about it, but no such luck. We are headed to the post office tomorrow for foreign stamps. 

I am crossing my fingers and hoping Rooney's wife has a secret desire to see Savannah and eat at Paula Dean's. Crazy, I know. Perhaps I should prepare Keagan for reality instead. As in an autographed picture of his favorite star will arrive in the mail in approximately 90 days!

Here's the letter: 

dear Rooney, I'am Keagan, and I am 7 years old. I whant you to come to my town and teach me your tricks. My dad is in war and he can not teach me. I whant you to come to my town so I can be as good as you.

Your fan,

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