Saturday, December 3, 2011

SOAR Student

Keagan got SOAR student this month. A few years ago, when he was in pre-school, I would have never believed you if you told me that he would come home from elementary school with green smiley faces and excellent reports. He has always been the "funny" son, and he constantly entertains us at home with dances moves, impersonations, and his quick wit. He has also been known for a brazen act or two. Take last night for an example. He skipped through the parking lot of Food Lion yelling, "I have a rash on my butt." Evan and I ran to the car to hide because we were so embarrassed, but Keagan LOVED that we were so mortified. He couldn't have cared less that half of Hinesville was staring at him. Before he started school, I had visions of his constant talking and attempts to get every students' eyes on him with his break dancing moves or his impersonations of bad American Idol auditions.
But quite the opposite has actually occurred. He has become the model student and nothing like the preacher's kid that I had previously envisioned. With a criminal investigator as a dad and a mom as a teacher, though, I don't know that he ever stood a chance at being bad at school.

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