Saturday, December 24, 2011

Are you ready for some football?

You  might remember that the boys LOVE football. My parents surprised the boys this year with tickets to the Christmas Eve Cowboys game. My mom placed the ticket in the box of a Demarcus Ware Christmas tree ornament. You should have seen their faces when they opened an early present to find only an ornament.

Evan was so excited about going to the game that he carried the ticket with him around the house until we left the next day. I had to pry it out of his little fingers as he fell asleep.

It wasn't just Evan, though. I think all three boys were super excited about seeing the game.

If anyone had told me twenty years ago, that I would one day attend a Cowboy game with Jamie Goates, I am not so sure that I would have believed them. He's the greatest BIL, though, agreeing to go with us to the game on Christmas Eve. 

As it turns out, we picked the worst game of the season to see. I felt like we were watching the junior high b team play. However, you can't be in the Cowboys Stadium and be disappointed. It is an experience in and of itself. 

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