Sunday, October 3, 2010

Poppell Farms

Saturday afternoon we drove deep into the heart of Georgia for opening day at Poppell Farms. It is not anywhere near what we experienced at Cox Farms in Virginia, but it's fall and everyone should try their hand at a "corn yard" maze and take a hayride or two - even if the loudspeaker plays "baby" songs like "Old McDonald." Here are a few of my favorite shots.

This pic on the right was taken right before Evan had the bright idea of burying his head in the corn kernals to see if he would still be able to breathe. He could breathe when he came up for fresh air, but in the minute his head was covered by dirty corn, he scored a nose bleed. 

The hayride. Little one was ready for a nap!

Thanks to the Reeds for the invite!

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