Thursday, October 14, 2010

Look What Arrived in the Mail Today

If you lived on our street, then you would have heard the boys screaming when we arrived home today. And, no, it had nothing to do with a football game gone bad. Halloween costumes arrived! Clothes were stripped off before the front door was closed, and the costume parade began. Let's hope they stay together for two more weeks.

Keagan usually vacillates among four or five costumes before he makes a final decision. This year he made the decision rather quickly. He knew he wanted to be SWAT member because he wanted "to knock down doors to get extra candy."

His set of plastic hand-cuffs is already broken. Evan tried to escape his hold.

Evan's fascination with BEN10 continues. He was three when this TV show first aired, and he was hooked before it was cool to change into aliens and fight bad guys. However, this is the first year that he has chosen to be a character from the show. This year he is Spider Monkey so that he "can carry all that candy with the extra arms."

This costume is already four inches too short, but adult sized Spider Monkeys are just not made. I know because I actually had to ask. However, the length doesn't concern me nearly as much as the tail. Perhaps I should conveniently lose that.

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