Saturday, September 18, 2010


The Bears' football season was "undefeatable" after today's win over the Cowboys 18-12, or this is at least Keagan's descriptor of the season. See, I told you we had some problems with adjectives in this house. By the way, Keagan won another blue slip award this week, and again it was from PE. This time he was able to jump rope. After yet another reminder from school that Keagan still needs practice with the letters p, a, e, b, and o, I am resigned to his label as an athlete. Well, almost. I intend to give academics one last push.

I hope no one is reading my blog for the first time. If you are, I am totally using sarcasm in that last statement.

Today's game was interesting. I almost had to leave the field, and it wasn't by choice. You see another player clothes lined Keagan, and when I ran onto the field to protest the roughness of the play, I was told to return to my collapsible chair, my multiple pieces of photography equipment, my after-the-game snack bags, and be quiet. Never mind that Keagan wasn't even carrying the ball, we don't play tackle ball, or that we sign our pledge of Christ like behaviors on the field. This little kid seemed to think he was Alex Barron, and it was perhaps the memory of last Sunday's game between the Cowboys and Redskins that such powerful emotions were released, and I was on the pee-wee football field yelling, "This is not gonna happen again....Or else." I really had no "or else" in mind, but I threatened it just the same. It happened again and again, though, so the opposing team mustn't have taken my threat too seriously. Anyway, the Bears complete a perfect season, and we have yet another touchdown to highlight the perfect season. 

Wes, when you are watching this please tell the guys I have no idea how that crazy lady keeps getting in these video clips. I am so ready to be rid of her!

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