Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Snake Charmer

We have now begun week two of block leave. Wes and I, for the first time in eight years, were at home together without kids for an entire 7.75 hours on Monday, and because we are so romantic and value time as a couple, we spent the morning spreading snake pellets around the perimeter of the yard. It was a necessity, in my opinion, because on Saturday afternoon my SIL and I were startled to HEAR a snake in the tree line. Upon closer inspection, we actually SAW the black racer slithering with its head upright just as if it were a viper in a basket escaping to the music of a flute.


Seeing a snake is one thing, but when you hear the snake before you see it, it can only mean one thing. It's huge and you better


And I did.

Straight to the garage to grab a shovel to kill the snake that confused me as its charmer.

Unfortunately, the black racer ran, too, and it was gone before I could return with the shovel. Perhaps I should have had Keagan run for the recorder to subdue him with song, but I was in a state of shock and had only one thing on my mind: KILL the SNAKE.

Relieved that the pellets had us now snake free, we spent Tuesday together in Savannah on the river and near City Market. While we were there, we found an antique store that specializes in pieces from China, pieces once housed in temples that were destroyed to make room for new dams. If the American antique dealer had not stepped in at the right time, all of these amazing pieces of furniture would have been destroyed along with the temples.

I found a bright red hand carved wooden table that I just had to have. Maybe if we hadn't spent so much on snake pellets we could have swung the $2500 purchase.

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