Friday, July 30, 2010

Tybee Beach

Today was our unit's family day, an annual event that is supposed to build cohesion within the unit while allowing soldiers to spend quality time with their families. This is the first one we have attended in almost five years because there is rarely cohesion or quality time with the family at these events. This was the exception to the rule.

With the family day at the beach on the calendar for several weeks, I knew that I had to get the boys boogey boards. My plan was to suprise them with the boards. And with a design depicting a shark crashing into a pier and taking a bite out of a wooden plank, I knew I had found a true piece of art - something that only little boys would appreciate because most adults would consider it tacky.

I had to order them on-line because you might remember my statements about the lack of shopping in our new town, and this time Lowes couldn't help us. When they arrived on our door step, the boxes were huge, but I took them and placed them in my closet on the top shelve thinking that it was so obvious the boys would never really see them. I was sure they would find them if I took the time to actually find a hiding place for them so I opted to place them in plain view so they would never see them.

Within half a hour, Evan spotted the boards. Within 32 minutes, Evan was practicing his moves on the boards while sliding across the hard wood floors. Keagan was quick to join in, and today he finally got to give it a try.

 He was so caught up with jumping waves on his shark board that he is convinced the broken black shell that fell from his shorts during his shower is an actual shark tooth. We have done nothing to deny the validity of his story. 

One day he will be seven and fail to imagine that he would be lucky enough to find a shark's tooth at the beach.

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