Monday, July 19, 2010

Swim Boys!

We have had considerable trouble with getting the boys into swim lessons and/or enrolled with a swim team. However, we had another family recommend the local rec dept swim program, and we enrolled. Today was the first lesson, and this is what we experienced.

No blue square leg swim trunks required.

No goggles allowed.

Little to no instruction provided.

Sixteen year old "instructor" yells in frustration multiple times during lesson, "Float! Float! I don't know why boys can't float!"

Multiple jumps off the diving board into the deep end "just for fun."

I should have known I was in trouble when I approached the swim director with my Swim Kids cards from Virginia that showed my boys' current swim levels and skills. Because with a quick glance, the elderly director replied, "That's nice, Ma'm, but I am a certified swim instructor, and I will assess your boys prior to placement."

Then the assessment was this: "Swim Boys!"

I miss Swim Kids in Virginia where the ugly blue square leg trunks are required and goggles are encouraged. I don't know what I expected after only paying $25 per boy here in Georgia, but it was definitely more than what I am getting. Like swimming.

However, as the boys dried off at the end of their first lesson, both exclaimed, "THIS WAS AWESOME, MOM! THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN SWIM KIDS!!!"

Well of course it was, Guys. You just had a play date in water instead of swim lessons. 

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