Monday, November 20, 2023

Fantastic Four Together Again

My favorite holiday is almost here! I feel like I’ve been prepping for a week. I’ve been to the grocery store three times, and I have another order to pick up tomorrow. I’m ready (I think) to start cooking the feast on Wednesday. Mom and Dad arrive tomorrow, and both boys are home. My table is decorated; the pumpkin decor is out. 

The guest room is ready; the house is clean.  

I made brown rice and kielbasa for dinner. At 8:30 the boys wanted to know what else they could eat. The fridge was bare to make room for the feast I’m about to start cooking; I bought no snacks because Thursday is two sleeps away and I’m conserving calorie consumption. Keagan looked at me and said, “What’s your grocery budget now? $100 a week? Cause I don’t see much more than that in this house.”

Note to self: boys still eat a lot. All of this prep and I still don’t have enough food! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time and make sure and enjoy some of your Mom's pumpkin roll for me.
