Sunday, June 25, 2023

Day #3 Group Stage

We made it out of the group stage undefeated after beating Alabama today 3-1. Their one goal was questioned by the entire back line for being off-sides, but the line ref said, “I’m pretty sure it was on.” That wasn’t the definitive answer we expected. The win means we continue to play and move to the semi-final game on Tuesday. 👏⚽️🎉

My parents drove from Texas to watch the group stage and to deliver chocolate chip cookies. Since the boys were young, Mom has brought the cookies to every tournament. They are now considered good luck. Their SUV has more miles on it from soccer trips than some parents!

Keagan played right back and center back in this game. He had a clearance in the second half and pretty good 1:1 defending on the sidelines. He’s a calm presence and composed player. 

After naps, we headed into New Orleans. The consensus is downtown New Orleans is overrated. 

But don’t we look cute?

It smells. It’s hot. There’s a homeless crisis. Crazy people on every corner. Charlatans line the streets. But the food! 

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