Sunday, May 28, 2023

Party Like It’s 2023

We celebrated Keagan’s graduation today with friends and family. Although very few people were invited, as per Keagan’s wish, we had food to feed an Army. We had a beautiful cake and decorated sugar cookies.

My mom and I put together a grazing table that was filled with great things! I had no idea what I was doing when I started planning this mid-afternoon snack bar, so Google was my friend. 

For the record, blueberry cheese is a winner! 

This project turned out better than expected! I was pretty damn proud of it!

This is the only picture I took during the entire party.

My friend Cindy made Keagan a money lei. He has all of his bedding, a dorm fridge, money for new cleats, gift cards for dorm supplies, and a little extra for gas money. He has been blown away by the generosity of our friends and family! 

After three parties, I’m done. I wish I could sleep for a week. Oh, wait! I can! It’s summer time! Here’s to lazy pool days. After this school year, I deserve every last one!

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