Sunday, November 20, 2022


Keagan has begged for a cat for some time. I’ve been reluctant to say yes because he also begged for a dog, and we know how that story has ended. I met him at PetSmart a few weeks ago to look at cats from the local rescue organization. He picked out a cat named Wes. Two weekends ago he texted this. 

There is no causal relationship between winning state and adopting a cat, but when we won state I couldn’t say no to my baby. Keagan grabbed the cat carrier and happily made his way back to PetSmart. Sadly, we found Wes was already adopted. He decided to adopt another cat named Gus, but another couple adopted him just minutes before our arrival. The cat rescue rep could see the despair on Keagan’s face, so she offered to bring a Russian blue the following day for Keagan. 

And today he came home with us! 

(I promise he’s happier than this picture depicts.) 

He’s purr-fect for Keagan! Maybe tomorrow we will settle on a name. 

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