Tuesday, September 3, 2019

This Just Happened

This came in today’s mail. 

Evan was nominated for the Congress Global Good Award of Excellence for outstanding academic achievement, leadership potential, and determination to serve humanity in the STEM fields. (I’m not sure I can process the wordiness of that title. I feel like George Orwell’s six rules for writing should have been referenced before that title was written.) He’s invited to attend a three day workshop at Harvard next June.

I’m not sure if we should be flattered or consider this as junk mail. First, Evan’s career choice is sports law. That hardly coincides with a STEM field. Next, Evan’s only desire to serve humanity is if it involves the Republican Party and persuading anyone who will listen why Trump should serve two terms. I’m not sure Evan’s the candidate this organization is looking for. 

But we will add it to his resume just the same. I’m so stinkin’ proud of him and his achievements!

1 comment:

  1. Proud of him and I would not consider it junk mail at all..Harvard would be a great place to go for a workshop...) Go big Ev..Love you.
