Sunday, July 14, 2019

Boston Day 3

Our last full day in Boston; the only place (except maybe Colorado) where you can take deep breaths and get high with the locals while taking a simple stroll through the city. Seriously, no one seems the least bit bothered by the use of marijuana.

We began our day at historic Fenway with a stadium tour. 

It was 1:00 at this point in the day, and Keagan was already asking for a nap. This whole week has mirrored life traveling with a 14 month old - frequent needs to both eat and sleep. I told my 14 YEAR old, “We’re only in Boston once. Pretend to have fun and maybe go to sleep before midnight.” My nocturnal teen can’t comprehend that cause/effect relationship. He wants to know when we get back on the four hour Amtrak train. 

Next up was the aquarium at the harbor. There were way too many people for this to be enjoyable. I swallowed my own advice “to have fun” and suggested we move on to something without toddlers in the midst.

So we took a harbor cruise. This was by far more enjoyable, for me anyway. Keagan fell asleep before we left the port. 

John Hancock’s building - the second oldest building in town behind Paul Revere’s house

USS Cassin Young

USS Constitution “Old Ironsides”

Boston Harbor

At this point, the boys were ready to go back to the hotel. I could have grabbed a “soooda” and people watched in the park while taking deep breaths. Nobody was up for that kind of fun, so I made them take one more picture. 

I love this city - the architecture, the history, the cleanliness, the food. I was only thrown for a loop with the abrasiveness of the locals; there is no warm Southern hospitality here!

Tomorrow Keagan’s dream of taking his four nap on a swaying train comes true!

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