Monday, June 3, 2019

Family Fun Day

We are still plugging along through Evan’s AP Bio scavenger hunt. Today’s activity was a visit to the art museum in Nashville to see the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera exhibition. Keagan refused to join us stating, “There are two things I hate in life: baseball and art. I’m not spending my free day looking at art.”

I told him he could stay home if he read. I thought that would persuade him to go with us, but he grabbed National Geographic and read an article about the abuse involved with wild animals performing for tourists.

Then Evan decided he was going to the art museum in his athletic shorts and his “There’s Only Two Genders” T-shirt. Wes refused to let him wear it because it’s too controversial - especially for anyone visiting an art museum - and demanded he put his church clothes back on.  There were some tense exchanges involving the phrases Communism and freedom of speech, but ultimately, Wes won. 

Family fun day? I think I’m the only one who had any fun. 

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