Wednesday, January 23, 2019


We didn’t make it to the finals or even to the consolation game of the district tournament this year, but Keagan was announced as the district all-star representing his middle school. There’s nothing that brings more joy than watching your kid do what they love and do it well. 

We often spend an exhorbiant amount of time in sports concentrating on winning, but winners are defined by loss and their ability to persevere when things don’s go as planned. My heart is full because Keagan handles loss with grace. He rarely points fingers, and if he does, it’s often pointing to himself. When he’s subbed out, he’s the first to cheer when the sub scores. He encourages and uplifts. He’s definitely an all-star. 

So while I’m yelling at the 5 when he fumbles the ball and gets it stripped, when I’m “questioning” (screaming at)  the coach for not pressing when we are down by three, and when I cuss at a loss, Keagan is always above that. Well-deserved Baby Boy. Well-deserved! 

He told me last night that he hoped his name would be announced. He said he had set a goal for himself when Evan was named two years ago. He said, “I’ve worked a long time for this, Mom, so my name better be announced.” His name was the last - the very last - to be announced. 

The All-Star game is next. 

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