Monday, August 6, 2018

First Day of School

Last night Evan asked me to take him to the mall so he could look for a yellow shirt. He said sophomores had to wear yellow on the first day of school for color wars. The mall was closed. I pulled out his bright yellow soccer jersey, but Evan said that was too yellow. I pulled out a Gap shirt with yellow stripes, but that was not bright enough. Evan pulled out a basketball T-shirt that was thrown into the stands during halftime. I reminded him he doesn’t play basketball, but that didn’t matter because it was just the right amount of yellow. 

I guess it could have been worse. Evan could have decided to wear this to school instead of the aisles at WalMart. 

Keagan had to wear an outfit that matched his new black shoes. I picked out black shorts and a gray polo. Keagan told me he doesn’t wear polos. So why did I buy you two new polos last week just for school? He picked out a soccer camp T-shirt that he got for free two summers ago. That was a no-go for sure! Then he changed into this Thrasher shirt (only mildly better, in my opinion.)

What he might lack in fashion sense, he totally makes up for with his sense of humor. On our way outside for the traditional first day photo, he stopped off at the telescope and said, “Lookin’ into my bright future, right here.” 

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