Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Soccer Banquet

“When you have to preface a sentence with ‘I probably shouldn’t say this,’ you should just keep your mouth shut.” 

I said this at PD a couple of weeks ago when our trainer made some snarky comments to the teachers and prefaced her mean words with “I probably shouldn’t say this.” My team said it was golden advice that we teach our students almost daily but rarely think about when we ourselves are disgruntled. 

I’m taking my own advice today. I’m keeping my mouth shut about school soccer. 

The highschool soccer banquet was last night - even though our season continues. The first year players came home with pins - not Varsity letters.

Evan and Bodie, freshmen teammmates 

Freshmen players

The team plays in state tonight. A win secures a spot in the semi-final game on Wednesday. 

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