Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Back to School

I was teaching seventh grade math when Evan was born. I took him to school with me when he was an infant. I had him on my hip while solving examples of fraction word problems on the whiteboard. I can't even believe that Evan started seventh grade today. In my mind he should still be that infant, or at the very least a toddler, not a teen in middle school!
He reported today that his teachers are great. This is BIG for Evan. I mean BIG. He has never come home after the first day of school with such a positive report. 

This guy started fifth grade. This is the first year that Keagan has attended the same school and same grade as his big brother. As luck would have it, he also got Evan's former teachers. Keagan wasn't phased one bit when the teacher told him he had big shoes to fill. He is ready to prove he is as smart as his big brother!
Keagan reported that school was just okay, lunch couldn't come fast enough, and he's still the best baller in before school care. 

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