Sunday, May 31, 2015


As luck would have it, E had a basketball tournament and a soccer tournament the same weekend. Lucky for us, both were held within seven miles of the other. We got a hotel room and banked on some big wins. He played seven games and would have played more except one was canceled due to rain and another was a forfeit. There were no big wins, but E had a double-double in the first basketball game.

The biggest loss was this. With only one weekend remaining in our season, I refused to buy new cletes. I told E to make do with what he had.

Before game two, the cleats were wrapped in electrical tape. But the wet field conditions caused the tape to quickly fall apart. Evan was unable to run and looked a lot like a clown wearing big floppy shoes. We found someone with duct tape and went to work on taping the sole back to the shoe, but as luck would have it, clete two began to fall apart. I ate my words, ran to the closest sporting goods store, and forked over some big bucks on new soccer cletes. Maybe we will be lucky and they will still fit next fall. Otherwise, the next size up requires a special order. 

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