Sunday, January 18, 2015

Indoor Champs

Evan spent all weekend on the courts playing indoor soccer. Although we prefer the big field and the outdoors to playing in a small gym indoors, it was still lots of fun. Evan's team won first place.

The only true excitement was this game when we played a group of boys from our own league. There was a minor scuffle on the sideline when Evan stole the ball from a frustrated player, and the opposing team's player threw a punch at Evan's face. He missed and thankfully, Evan didn't punch back. For a second, I thought we might be watching a hockey game.

Day two had Evan playing on a team comprised of local boys who play for various age groups and teams. Evan played two years up in a U14 bracket with a couple of guys that will be on the middle school team. We were finalists in that tournament.

After game three, Evan said, "Mom, I know I'm not the best one on the team today, but for playing two years up, I think I'm doing alright. What do you think?" It took all I had to not hug him and give him a great big kiss; he did more than alright. 

Next weekend it will be Keagan's turn. Whatever would we do without sporting events to fill our time?

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