Thursday, August 21, 2014

Top Ten of Turning Ten

Keagan turns ten years old today. Ten! I love this boy to pieces and in case you were wondering here are my top ten reasons why!

10. There is little I can say no to when he looks at me with those big beautiful blue eyes and long lashes. His eyes kill me every single time! I say yes to him - a lot.

9. Keagan has a heart for animals and wants to rescue every single one of them. He will be the first to spot a stray on the side of the road, and he is the first to look away when a Save the Animals commercial hits the TV screen. His heart just can't take it.

8. Besides animals, Keagan has a true heart for others. He has a Korean boy in his class that speaks three English words: yes, no, and lunch. Keagan sits with him in the cafeteria, teaches him soccer moves at recess, and studies with him before the big tests. He told me today he wanted to buy a Korean dictionary with his birthday money so he can talk to his new friend.

7. Keagan can run like the wind. I wish I could. He runs just because. I love this about him.

6. Keagan is funny. I mean real funny. He is witty, creative, and has perfect timing with his wise cracks. His sense of humor brings so much joy and laughter to our lives.

5. Keagan can make friends with anyone. The three year old across the street? check! The eight year old girl down the street? check! The fifth grade boy at the end of the street? check! The shy boy in his class? check!  The boy who doesn't speak English? check! I love how open he is to meeting new people and making them feel like his best friend even after only an hour.

5. Keagan is gifted athletically. He can pick up a ball and play any sport with little to no instruction. This amazes me to no end and constantly leaves me asking "How is that possible"?

4. Keagan's love for waffles. I don't know how it is humanly possible to consume so many waffles, but he does. A minimum of two every single day. I keep Leggo in business.

3. Keagan's love for athletic clothes and shoes. The boy walks into a sporting goods store and can smell Under Armor. I have no idea what it smells like but he can identify it. I keep on buying it hoping one day I will be able to smell it, too.

2. Keagan's warm up routine for any game includes headphones and music. It puts him in the "zone." There is nothing I like better than to see him in the review mirror keeping the beat.

1. Every night Keagan asks me to tuck him in bed. He tells me he just can't get a good night's sleep unless I tuck him in. I know these days are fleeting. I treasure these minutes every single night.

Happy birthday, Keagan! I love you to the moon and back. Enjoy your day and your first year in the double digits.

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