Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dirt, Sweat, and Fun?

This weekend Evan's basketball team played up in the 7th/8th grade bracket of a local tournament and won the championship! Evan had the defensive game of his life and played all but the last three minutes of the final game. It was such a great weekend of basketball that United parents asked why not play one more time? So we are playing in our last, this-time-will-be-for-sure-the-last, tournament at the end of the month.

Sometime I look around me at these AAU basketball tournaments and wonder what in the world I am doing. The bleachers are hard and almost always dirty; the gym stinks of sweat and feet; the facilities are often dilapidated and sometimes dangerous; and it consumes our weekend time leaving no time to do anything else. When these thoughts are circulating through my mind, I can't help but hope that Evan will give up his passion for basketball.

Then he plays like he did this afternoon and I find supreme satisfaction hearing his name called over and over again by the games' announcer. I realize my butt will eventually recover from hours of sitting on hard bleachers, the smell of sweat is relatively short-lived, and spending time watching my boy shine is so much fun!

I can't wait for school season to begin!

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