Friday, June 20, 2014

Life Lessons

Each visit with the girls proves to be a learning experience. My five and three year old nieces have no shortage of important information.

1. Learning to snap your fingers is a must if you want to be a teacher.
2. Making up songs about chewing gum can help you avoid any nap, and while it can be endearing the first five times you hear it, it can quickly become annoying by the tenth or twelve verse.
3. Topics of conversation can change quickly. Aunt Kacey, why does that truck have blinking lights? Do these clouds mean a storm is coming? Is that a lizard?
4. You can get away Scotch free after breaking glass objects if you can hide the broken piece AND all of the shards.
5. If you do break glass, then you should quickly yell a cousin's name so no one will know it is you.
6. Italian cream cake is a creamy cake made by people in Italy.
7. If you kiss a boy, it means you are married.
8. Vikki had a birthday on Friday, and according to the girls, she is now 40!

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