Thursday, May 8, 2014

Say It Ain't True!

With his big brown eyes open wide and a level of animation that can only rival his excitement with the Snackeez, Evan told me this story this afternoon.

 "Hey, Mom! Today we were looking through magazines trying to collect clippings for our paper mache projects, and I decided to try extreme couponing. I collected a few and brought them home with me today. By the way, the teacher did not approve of this activity. She is a stickler about having fun at school. Look! I found this one for a Sonic Blast. Only $1.29! I'm thinking we could probably use this tomorrow or maybe tonight since it's such a good deal. And then I found this one....

Forget about back pain, Mom! Think about it! If I have this thing, I will be cured. I can just carry the pillow around with me and I'll never have any more pain. And for only $13 I think it's a pretty good deal!"

He's 11, going on 71!

This add reminded me of the girl I knew in high school who broke her tail bone while riding a horse and had to carry a pillow to every class for almost a year. I always felt sorry for her, and to think Evan wanted to do this voluntarily! He must be in some pretty serious pain, or maybe he's just a sucker for things too good to be true. With that thought, I'm hoping he never discovers QVC! Add a couple of coupons to QVC's lightning deals, and I see Evan starring in a new reality show!

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