Saturday, February 1, 2014

He Went Bogus on Me

Today was the last game of the basketball season, and Keagan woke up and told me, "Mama, I'm going bogus at today's game." Keagan's team won 16 to 6 and he scored 10 points. I think bogus has been redefined.

He told me last night he had one wish in life. "Mama, I just want to see Kevin Durant play. I mean, watch him play live." I guess that college game I took him to see last night just didn't have the WOW factor he is looking for. Now I am on a mission to make sure my younger son's one dream in life comes true.

Evan, on the other hand, ate his fill of pigs-in-a-blanket this morning and walked onto the court without a word of the upcoming game. His team won 25 to 13 and he scored 13 points. After the game, he mentioned, "Mom, if you could find a travel basketball team, I think I might like to play."

Just when I thought things were going to slow down for a bit, but who am I to say no?

We celebrate the undefeated season next week.

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