Friday, February 8, 2013

Fast Break Furies

Keagan's basketball season came to a close on Thursday night with a win and a final score of 9 to 0. His team earned third place. Before you congratulate him, though, you probably need to know that there were only five teams in his age group.

My dad was in Georgia earlier this week and got to see both boys play basketball. Unfortunately, he attended games that were against first place teams and therefore only saw losses. He also happened to see the worst ref'ed game EVER. If anyone wonders where my sideline behavior originates, one should look no further than my father. I had to quieten him down. Seriously. At least I yell the loudest when others are too so that my voice isn't the only voice heard in the gym. This was not so when Daddy yelled. There really isn't anything better to see than Keagan making a fast break down the court preparing for a lay up. So I totally understand the excitement one must feel seeing it for the first time. It's okay, Daddy. We'll allow you back to Georgia any day and next year's season in Tennessee is just a few short months away. Keagan has already asked if he will be old enough to be on an all star team once we get to Campbell. I feel like his dream of becoming the next white Durant won't die anytime soon.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! I wonder if Daddy will be as vocal at our local t-ball games ...
