Monday, January 28, 2013

He's Our Champ

Let me begin with this. I did not kiss the random soldier sitting next to me. However, I yelled loud enough that talking tomorrow will be out of the question. My students will love me for it.

With only one minute left in tonight's game, Evan scored the winning basket, and then stole the ball from the opposing team not once but twice to keep them from scoring again.

Because it will probably be the only game we win all season, I felt excessive cheering was warranted. I added some high heel stomping on the metal bleachers for some extra umph. My point was made and well taken because everyone feels bad for our team, the team destined for certain failure at almost any game.

Tonight, though, we went home champions! My champ will go to bed on cloud nine. So will his mama!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Evan!
    It was the Kings' court tonight.
    And you were king of the Kings. Great job!
