Sunday, November 4, 2012

Clash of the Titans

In order to prepare for our big tournament, Keagan's team played Evan's team today.

They both played mid-field. When one came off the field, the other did, too.

When Evan beat Keagan to the ball, I cheered. When Keagan stole the ball from Evan, I cheered.


I think the parents sitting next to me thought I had a personality disorder because I cheered for both blue and white. They had no idea I had a player on each team. 

At one point they were both chasing the ball down the sideline, I jumped out of my seat to see who would win the ball. In all of my excitement, I didn't realize that I had run onto the middle of the field.

 In the end, Evan's team took the win 6 - 1. Surprisingly, the game was never mentioned again. The boys walked off the field and didn't speak of it.

The next game began, and just like that, the Class of the Titans was over.

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