Friday, January 27, 2012

Pinning Ceremony

I have been collecting the extra ka-ching from Wes's promotion since 01 JAN, but today was his official pinning date. It took place on the shores of the Persian Gulf.

I have no idea the name of the other officer, but I am sure he must be an upstanding man and soldier because Wes waited three weeks for his arrival so that he could do the honor. I am bummed to have missed the event for obvious reasons, but also because after fourteen years in the Army, I finally can sing the words to the Army song. I would have done you proud, Honey, with my solo! And I say solo because I just realized that they don't even play the Army song at pinning ceremonies. Maybe by retirement I will get the rituals and traditions memorized.

One question, Wes. Did you yell "Rock of the Marne" after the ceremony? They boys want to know if anyone returned your call with "Screamin' Eagles!"

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