Saturday, June 4, 2011

We've Been Adopted

It began yesterday morning. Keagan and I were working on some soccer drills in the side yard. We heard something, and we ignored it because our tree line is constantly filling our lives with the sounds of nature. We heard it again, though, and Keagan decided it was time to investigate. Within minutes, this is what walked out of the tree line.

A short time later we left the house to run errands. I prayed the whole way there and back that we would get home and find the cat gone. Evan would not have it, though. He claimed the cat as his. He persuaded me to buy some catfood. He checked out a book at the library about caring for a cat. He spent the next few hours fretting over the cat, the food, and the heat.

When we got home, we found the cat patiently awaiting our return, and because the cat was still here when we awoke this morning, I think it may have adopted us.

The cat's first photo shoot took place after breakfast. If photo shoots with sunglasses, sunglasses on the cat I might add, won't scare the cat away, then I guess it is here to stay.

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