Tuesday, May 31, 2011

U-Pick Blackberries

We might not be as busy in the summer as we are in the spring and fall, but about a week ago I began our summer calendar of events. Wes couldn't believe I already had the eight weeks mapped out before summer had even begun. After thirteen years of marriage, I couldn't believe he thought I would spend the entire summer without a plan.
Our first summer adventure was today: U-pick blackberries. I have three pounds of berries in the freezer, three blackberry cobblers baking in the oven, and another pound of berries in the fridge for tomorrow morning's smoothies. I think we have our fill of blackberries.

We met some friends there and the kids had a great time trying to find the biggest and juiciest berries. We had red juice dribbling down chins, red juice running down the front of shirts, red juice fingerprints in the pockets of the shorts, and Evan even had one big red handprint on his back. He also left with his feet covered in ant bites. I tried to tell him Crocs should not be worn to a farm, but he wouldn't listen. I have a hunch he might follow my advice next time, though.

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