Sunday, April 24, 2011

DIY Easter Weekend

The Easter Bunny did make an appearance, but we didn't have any traditional Easter Egg Hunts in the yard, pictures with the bunny, or even Sunday morning photo shoots in the yard before we headed to church. Instead, we spent Saturday and Sunday afternoons on this DIY project. 

A couple of weeks ago, Evan asked me why we always have my dad fix things around the house. Every time he visits, he is given a list of chores to complete during the visit. Evan wondered why Wes didn't do it. So I told him a story.
I told him about the day when we were still in college and Wes came to Mount Pleasant to pick me up to take me back to Sherman, and in the back of the truck was a structure that I was certain Wes planned to make his permanent dwelling place. I later learned it was a dog house - a dog house that could have housed Clifford the Big Red Dog.
Just a couple of years ago there was also the "toy box" that was to house all of the boys' sporting equipment in the garage. When we got that thing in position, the Jeep no longer fit in the garage, and Keagan even found himself trapped in it on several occassions.
So this weekend Evan and I were both dubious about Wes doing any handiwork in the house. I even called my sister to make sure my brother-in-law would be available to handle any emergencies via long distance.
Oh, me of little faith. What was I so worried about? Our new backsplash is beautiful, and nothing was super-sized in the weekend-long project.

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