Sunday, March 27, 2011

Piggly Wiggly Shoot Out

This picture cost me the bargain price of $2.00, or the price of two bags of Skittles from the tournament concession stand. I think it was totally worth it because who wouldn't want a picture of the Pig at the Piggly Wiggly Shootout? 

We began our spring break week with a trip to Mount Pleasant, SC with the Gators for the annual Piggly Wiggly Shootout. Nothing says soccer mom like washing four pairs of sweaty, stinky soccer socks in the sink of the hotel bathroom on a Saturday night. We won't talk about our lack of wins. I will skip over the huge mosquitoes that left hundreds of bites on my legs and arms. And I definitely won't relive the moment one of the opposing team's parents made fun of me and my cheers when I thought for sure Evan was about to take a shot at the goal. I have since vowed to tone down my sideline behavior, but I think I have tried that before and haven't found much success. Instead, I will focus on the positive: Evan had three assists and Keagan scored a goal. Evan's team won one game, a great victory considering our opposing teams' skills. Saturday morning games in Savannah continue until our next tournament in May.

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