Friday, February 4, 2011

Narrative Writing

I am posting this so that in June when we are deep into summer vacation, and I pull out the summer vacation journals and require the boys to write, I will have something to remind myself that the torture I'm about to endure with the endless whining, thrown pencils, and desperate cries of "I can't!" does payoff in the long run. This is a story that Evan wrote after the teacher gave him a story starter. It was posted on the teacher's blog in November, and I found it today.

I was so shocked that this was his story, even though I could hear his little voice read it, that I asked, "Evan, are you sure this is a story you wrote? Because copying a story from another book is not writing."

He assures me this is his ending to the story starter, and after he wrote a one sentence essay this week for homework that read, "There are no good leaders in our country," I'm having a hard time believing he has a story with a beginning, middle and end.

Summer journal writing will be taken to a whole nother level come June. 

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